1. WHERE WERE YOU BORN, WHERE DID YOU GROW UP? I was born in Houston, Texas. According to my sister, I never grew up. 2. WHAT IS YOUR EARLIEST MUSICAL MEMORY? I had a stuffed pink dinosaur when I was a little girl. It had a music box inside it's stomach that played Frere Jacques and a yellow daisy in its mouth. It had a long neck that flopped to one side from me holding it so tight. I slept with it all the time. I guess I killed it. 3. WHAT WAS THE FIRST RECORD YOU OWNED The Velvet Underground. I like the simplicity and depth of Lou Reed's lyrics and the way they project a childlike/dreamlike state. Their music is raw and real. And nothing about it seems commercialized. 6. WHAT IS THE MOST MEMORABLE CONCERT YOU'VE ATTENDED? 8. WHAT IS THE BEST JOB YOU'VE EVER HAD? The job I have right now. I work in the ghetto. I'm a
Dell funded homework assistant (I went to high school with Michael Dell,
but that's not how I got the job). When I'm not helping kids with their
homework I braid hair and play "The Marble Game." It'a a great
job. My boss gives me lots of freedom (of course he's never there). I
teach creative writing, chess and we have story time. I'm thinking of
teaching yoga classes but I'm not sure anybody would come. It is hard
though. I am the only white person there and I've experienced racism for
the first time. Some of the people I encounter project all of their negative
feelings they have about white people on to me. Witnessing all their problems
has given me perspective and made me more grateful for what I have. Edgar Allen Poe. He scares me. He seems to always have
someone trapped behind something. Buried alive or behind a wall. I have
huge claustrophobia issues and the idea of being trapped is very frightening
to me. I've liked him since I was 9. I've always been fascinated by dark
minds. 10. WHAT IS YOUR ALL-TIME FAVORITE BOOK? "Are You There God It's Me Margaret?" It's about
this girl who's getting her period for the first time. Actually I never
read it, but all these 12 year old girls who I detested in school were
always talking about it and wondering what it would be like when they
got their periods. I'd already gotten mine three years earlier so I knew
there wasn't a God. 11. WHICH IS YOUR FAVORITE INSTRUMENT? The guitar. I like the intimacy it provides. I've seen
great guitarist play and it looks like they're making love to the instrument.
That's how I feel when I play. 13. WHAT IS THE FAVORITE SONG SOMEONE ELSE HAS WRITTEN? Anything off of "Forever Changes". But especially
"Andmoreagain" and "A House Is Not A Motel". I got
to sing "Andmoreagain" with Arthur Lee at Arthur's aunt's house
in Memphis. It was the first time he'd touched a guitar since he got out
of jail, and it was my guitar! It has never sounded the same since. I used to, but the truth is I don't want to co-write with anyone any more. I really want to keep exploring myself and find out what I can do musically. 15. CAN SONGWRITING BE TAUGHT OR IS IT A GOD-GIVEN TALENT?
19. WHO'S YOUR FAVORITE POLITICIAN? 20. DESCRIBE YOUR LATEST DISC. It's darker and more primitive than "Naked Time". It's me and my guitar recorded at home on 4 track cassette, with a couple of touches of bass, cello, tom toms and triangle more professionally recorded later. I wanted this album to be all me. It sounds best when listened to in an intimate, solitary, setting...like locked in a car. I bared a lot of myself on this album and I can think of three people already that aren't too happy about it. Musically, it's sort of a cross between Love and The Velvet Underground. Plus a couple of dog barks.