1. WHERE WERE YOU BORN, WHERE DID YOU GROW UP? born and brought up in sudbury, canada. grew up on the road... although, it's hard to call a guy who wanders around the world on a bus selling cd's with a guitar and a pocketfull of change, 'grown up'.
2. WHAT IS YOUR EARLIEST MUSICAL MEMORY? seeing my uncle stoned on the couch listening to the who- tommy with headphones on. my mother came and shoo'd him off to bed. at that moment i knew what i wanted to do with my life.
3. WHAT WAS THE FIRST RECORD YOU OWNED? joan jett - i love rock and roll (and i do) & the go-go's - the beat. i bought'em together at sam the record man on younge street, downtown toronto, canada. they were vinyl of course. i wore the joan jett out.
4. WHEN AND WHERE WAS YOUR FIRST PERFORMANCE? sudbury, northern lights festival - summer of 1988 - i was 13 - the set was 45 mintues and i don't remember a second of it. i spent the evening feasting on pogo sticks afterwards in great celebration... then spent the night throwing up in bed in response to a combination of nerves and bad food.
5. WHO IS THE SINGLE BIGGEST MUSICAL INFLUENCE ON YOUR WORK? split... bob dylan & alice cooper... though they're the same person actually.
6. WHAT IS THE MOST MEMORABLE CONCERT YOU'VE ATTENDED? jane's addiction - lollapalooza 1991?... i was second row - the smell was incredibly rank - worse even than the grateful dead at soldier field in chicago. the worst smell at any concert i think though was BTO in some hot wings bar in london, canada - i think randy bachman let a few go on stage that night.
7. WHAT IS THE WORST JOB YOU'VE EVER HAD? mucking out sewage backed up basements in coniston ontario. i'll never look at shag carpet the same way again. my mother made me strip down outside the house when i got home every night... though i've come home dirtier from gigs.
8. WHAT IS THE BEST JOB YOU'VE EVER HAD? other than touring and recording of course... guitar repair at rufus guitar shop, vancouver, canada. i think selling shoes would be fun... "yes sir, i think we DO have that one in brown... what size?"
9. WHO IS YOUR FAVOURITE ARTIST (ALL MEDIA)? hmm... can't pick just one... julian cope, paul thomas anderson, david mamet... trixie the manslayer (down at the forum, london, canada) frankly, i don't think pornographers get the respect they deserve...
11. WHICH IS YOUR FAVOURITE INSTRUMENT? bagpipes, guitar is a close 2nd though.
13. WHAT IS THE FAVOURITE SONG SOMEONE ELSE HAS WRITTEN? we will rock you (Queen). though dylan's written a few decent ones too.
14. HAVE YOU EVER COLLABORATED IN SONGWRITING? kind of... me & ruby love u have written some hideous stuff together... no one will ever hear THAT though.
15. CAN SONGWRITING BE TAUGHT OR IS IT A GOD-GIVEN TALENT? it takes practice to get the god-given talent out. really though, it just takes balls, figuratively speaking of course.
16. WHAT SINGLE THING HAS HELPED YOU MOST IN YOUR CAREER? i have a chameleon-like ability to morph into various different personas... each one has a different super-power.
17. WHAT SINGLE THING HAS HINDERED YOUR CAREER? i don't get out much... kinda quiet and reserved really.
18. WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE DRINK? root beer float. nothing else comes close... i require at least 3 before i can get on stage.
19. WHO'S YOUR FAVOURITE POLITICIAN? i like fidel castro... hmm, brian tobin... he's the newfie that won the fish war against the portugese tuna pirates. really though, politics is for geeks...
20. ( THE ADVERT) IN LESS THAN 100 WORDS DESCRIBE YOUR LATEST DISC. Corvettes, roadside diners, Hollywood. OX: Dust Bowl Revival is natural and unpolished in the spirit of modern middle-America something trashy and organic in a hot-rod cowboy style. Like riding shotgun on a liquor store heist.