Paul Edelman & The Jangling Sparrow...
"North America & Susquehanna"
(Record Cellar)
Song driven warm classic
Americana, set against a tapestry of equaly classic musical textures,
Alt Country attitude and soulful resonance. I know I'll be playing
this album in twenty years time, it has a self evident ageless charm,
and it gets better on every listen, I had to play it back to back
on the first listen, always a good sign. Songs about Trains, Civil
War Soldiers, Cars, Abraham Lincoln, and a few personal introspective
offerings. Paul Edelman & The Jangling Sparrow hail from Philadelphia,
and this is as accomplished a first offering as I have heard, Paul
has served his dues however, augmenting some of Philies leading
combo's on Banjo and Harmonica for some years, She Haw, The Boxcars,
Naked Omaha and the Butcher Holler Boys, have all benefited from
his services, also working closely with acclaimed producer Jimmy
Johnson, on "Burlap Palace", the tribute to the sound of Muscle
Shoal Studio. "North America & Susquehanna" is released from the
caring hands of Record Cellar, who have brought us equally cool
collections from the likes of Frogholler The Rollin Hayseeds, Chet
Delcampo, Buz Zeamer. Hardly on the radar outside his home town,
where he is as well known for establishing open mike sessions at
Doc Watson's and Fergie's, however this is infinitely likable and
I believe infectious music, it can't be long before we hearing a
lot more about Paul Edelmans clan, remember you heard it first here.
"What will I listen to now? I'll just put this on again while I'm
thinking about it. It will have to be something classic, The Byrds,
The Band, Burrito's ah "Sweetheart of the Rodeo", ( why not that
will do the trick ) I'll just let this one run through first though".