1. WHERE WERE YOU BORN, WHERE DID YOU GROW UP? I was born in San Francisco, California in 1964. We moved
to Phoenix, Arizona and then Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania before settling
in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan. I was 6 when we got there. Try to sing like Louis Armstrong when I was 7 or so. I fell over backwards and hit my head while performing for my extended family. I hope it's not foreshadowing. 3. WHAT WAS THE FIRST RECORD YOU OWNED?
4. WHEN AND WHERE WAS YOUR FIRST PERFORMANCE? I did a lot of acting as a kid, so if you count that I guess it would have been around 10 or 11. I played Tommy Albright in Brigadoon my senior year of high school, and that involved a fair amount of solo performing. If the question is specific to song writing then I guess
it would have been around '96 or '97 at an open mic held at on old coffee
house called "No Exit." Marcel Duchamp
No way I could hold one out against so many others, so
here's a short list, in no particular order:
I've had so many jobs that this is tough. I worked one day as a mover. We drove to downtown Detroit to a burned out house right next to the burned out Packard plant. The garage was full of 50 gallon drums, and the drums were full of thick lubricating oil. It was about 20 below zero on December 22nd or so, just before Christmas, and while we were loading the truck some neighborhood kids started throwing snowballs at the side of the truck, which made like a big drum. I could see dents forming in the aluminum sides, and I found out why when I looked outside - the kids were throwing rocks. Detroit is a tough town. After six hours of getting all these drums loaded and lashed down in the truck, we were instructed to go down to the basement for the hot water heater. The boss man had a hack saw, a pipe wrench and an unwillingness to say yes. There were three of us doing the work: the stoner dude who worked at a factory for the boss man, a 50 ish, rail thin Native American who sipped from small bottle of Mohawk Vodka, and me. The inside of the house, where the Dining and Living Rooms should have been, was filled with lab tables. Glass tubes and stop valves were arranged in complicated involvements, and I wonder if the work at hand might have been responsible for the blaze. The basement stairs creeked and actually sagged. Rats took off in every direction. The boss man was said that he was sure the gas had been turned off, but I wasn't sure he was sure. I cut at the pipes for 2 hours until the heater was disconnected. The Indian tried to move it. It was filled with water and frozen solid. Boss man thought we could haul it up the stairs, but me and stoner boy were already climbing said stairs. I returned the truck and got paid $ 50.
Washing dishes at a boys camp in northern Michigan. I was 15, and worked hard about 5 hours a day. The rest of the time was devoted to water skiing, sailing, horse back riding, and camping. The food was great. Other jobs of note: Carpenter, Volkswagen durability test driver, commercial real estate sales man, art gallery manager, graphic artist, ice cream scooper, writer, photographer, screen printer...
Either Nelson Algren's "Walk on the Wild Side," or Huck Finn.
I haven't written it yet. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, by whoever wrote that.
Yes - with my guitar. I promise not to play it like I've got a ham for a fist, and it gives me songs.
It depends on what you mean, because anyone can write at least one song, and they probably have without knowing it. Having said that, it does seem like some people take it to another level, and it's like all the skills are just -- THERE --. Picasso, for example, seemed to have everything he needed right out of the womb. 16. WHAT SINGLE THING HAS HELPED YOU MOST IN YOUR CAREER? Being married. 17. WHAT SINGLE THING HAS HINDERED YOUR CAREER? Shortcomings of talent. Water.
Well, this record is quite a bit different from our first offering. We tracked a good deal of it live as a four piece, so there's a core foundation. The first record was an ensemble of session players, but on this record there are only a few folk from outside the band: Janet Beveridge Bean, David Olney, Fareed Haque, Ellis Clark, Deanna Varagona, Nicky English, Laura Caragher, Ric Salazar. For the most part all the arrangements were done before we started tracking, and this record is much more akin to our live sound. It's much more rhythmic, and there's quite a bit more space in there. Even though I produced this one, I handed over the controls to Brian Deck who mixed the record. In the end I think fans of "...Ears Down" will see it as a progression, and there's a lot there which is similar - narrative lyrics, etc., but it really is a departure in many ways
1.IN 1999 YOU SAID
1. WHERE WERE YOU BORN, WHERE DID YOU GROW UP? I was born in Houston, Texas. According to my sister, I never grew up...MORE |
born and brought up in sudbury, canada. grew up on the road... although, it's hard to call a guy who wanders around the world on a bus selling cd's with a guitar and a pocketfull of change, 'grown up'....MORE |
1. WHERE WERE YOU BORN, WHERE DID YOU GROW UP? I was born in St. Louis Park, Minnesota, USA on March 9, 1971. I mainly grew up in St. Louis Park (a first-ring suburb of Minneapolis that was also home to filmmakers the Coen Brothers, writer/comedian/political satirist Al Franken, Dan Wilson of Semisonic, and many others in the music and film businesses) except for a year spent in Chapel Hill, North Carolina when I was 5, while my dad went to school there for a year....MORE |