James Elkins: Artists with PhDs illustrations

These are the final dozen illustrations as delivered to James Elkins for his 2nd Edition of Artists with Phds book (Published May 2014). It enabled me to successfully complete my M.A. by registered project for which I received a distinction in January 2014.

My thanks to James Elkins for a ‘revealing’ experience although I maybe now know more than I need to about Fine Art Phds and their academic validity:-)

Available from Amazon here:

Research: TTD STEAM Wimbledon September 2012: Mostyn Llandudno March 2012

Most of this summer when not dealing with my mother’s passing on 8th June has been spent working on presentations for a series of conferences. Full details available on my Research Blog

This has arisen from the drawn analysis of research I have been doing. Examples above. Full sequence of Moogee V Frayling available on blog or academia edu : http://nottinghamtrent.academia.edu/ShaunBelcher

I was also asked to be a ‘live scriber’ at the STEAM conference at Wimbledon College of Art and presented Moogee cartoons at a Humour conference at Mostyn, Llandudno in March 2012.

Moogee at Goldfactory July 2008

Well post ‘Connect’ I let rip for a week in the Goldfactory space ( the empty space I left when I decamped briefly to the City Arts project then swapped into Mik Godley’s old space). We used the empty spaces to stage some very successful ‘art research’ shows  and I created the Goldfactory website and managed the project along with Paul Matosic.

For my research space month I worked directly on to the large end wall creating highly controversial cartoons attacking everything I could think of especially ACE and academia ironically as it responded by giving me a permanent post that Autumn.

Drawing Out NTU May 2008

My mentor for connect was Terry Shave and he invited me to submit work for the NTU staff drawing show in May 2008 ( I was still a HPL – hourly paid lecturer at this point).  I managed to sneak a fairly political re-drawing of Conrad Atkinson’s 1978 palette map of the art world. My version replaced main categories with ‘fashion’ and ‘facebook’ looks like I got that spot on……

Idiots Guide to Fine Art 2006



Open Studio: Egerton October 2006

Having become an avid reader of http://www.sharkforum.org and imbibed some of its oppositional stance I finally got tired of playing the arts council game having seen a group of ACE apparachniks saunter round the studios and dismiss me out of hand I fought back with a bunch of cartoons ridiculing the whole process. I actually drew them as people were walking around and they got a far better reaction than the comic art paintings.