10 years pricking the art voodoo doll 2005-2015

The Fake Gallery – revisited

fake gallery logo


It seems to me that artists have two choices…travel to Rome and adopt the clothes of the conquerer’s and become ‘curators’ or walk to the furthest edges and break down fences that border the still wild and unexplored possibly with multiple personas….Pessoa comes to mind and in his spirit I have invented any number of ‘Fake’ musicians and artists recently….indeed to the point where I declared myself a ‘Fake Gallery‘and declared my various ‘styles’ separate personas…

Only in fakery did I become real…

Fake Gallery

full original article HERE from January 2006

1 Comment

  1. MSB

    Hey Moogee! I’ve been also Shark-wondering recently — another possible option–? I’m not certain, — what if we “generate” our OWN curators in some way — as alter egos? as fakes? as students of ours? …. unclear thoughts, buit I’d appreciate your creative feedback.

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