“Never knew what hit them ,
the impact must have been tremendous
to have left that much blood on the road,
looked like it had exploded”.
My father talking about the accident.
One side of the car had caved right in
and there was a bloodstain twenty yards long
across both sides of the road.
“What was left of the deer was laid on the grass
like a sack of bones”.
Ten days later.
In the same kitchen he is gingerly fingering
row upon row of tiny pink pills.
“Everybody’s on them these days”
My mother says, trying to lighten the road ahead.
But we could all see what he could see.
Moving through the trees.
His mother heart failure 65.
His mother’s father heart attack 65.
Right now I prefer not to look too far ahead.
But I can feel movement deep in the forest of arteries and veins.
Something unseen and unexpected pushing out..
Toward the lights.
Addendum: This poem was written in 1991 my father remained in good health until 2002 when at the age of 70 he was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer and died in 2004.
Another poem from my back pages.
From an overall collection called
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