WOOFISM and beyond

After New York – back to earth

After the great time in New York ( Metropolitan Museum of Art and Guggenheim were fantastic) it is back to earth with a bump (work) and time to take stock of what to do next on M.A. as complete at end of January 2014. I have been in touch with James Elkins and there only a couple of chapters still to come in book so I can concentrate between now and Xmas in getting that sequence completed. I also need to update the Rakes Redrawn sequence with some Hogarthian written titles mimicking original and Gilray etc. Whether this will be enough to get into the DRN proceedings I not sure but as whole idea was that this piece was ‘drawing-led’ not written a full paper seems inappropriate. I may take ideas and rewrite into a separate paper though.

Here some images from New York conference – the final image is Yoon Bakh’s take on my talk as a visual ‘scribe’:-).


  1. David Techau


  2. Shaun Belcher

    Sorry David link is to your user account cannot see this but I have looked it up online 🙂 Fascinating 🙂 http://www.miniaturechairman.com/8/post/2013/03/charles-and-ray-eames-fabrics.html

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